All Episodes

Displaying 481 - 510 of 1218 in total

#738: Donald Smith Jr.

Donald Smith Jr. is a member of the Play Design team, and I talk with him about what Play Design does.

#737: Richard Garfield

For years, this has been the number-one request for a carpool guest for the podcast, but as Richard doesn't live near me, nor work at Wizards anymore, it's been an uno...

#736: Matt Place, Part 2

Matt Place had so much to say, we had to do a second podcast.

#735: Matt Place, Part 1

In this podcast, I interview Matt Place, a former pro player and Magic R&D member.

#734: Chris Mooney

I also interview Chris who is another GDS3 alum and another person I work closely with on the Vision Design team. As with Ari, we talk about what it's like being a Mag...

#733: Ari Nieh

In another of my interview series, I interview Ari Nieh, winner of the Great Designer Search 3 and someone I work closely with on the Vision Design team. We talk about...

#732: Annie Sardelis

In this podcast, I'm interviewing Annie Sardelis, one of the members of the Creative team.

#731: Aaron Forsythe

In this podcast, I'm interviewing my boss and longtime Magic collaborator, Aaron Forsythe.

#730: Michael Ryan, Part 2

This podcast is part 2 of my interview with Michael Ryan. We continue talking about the making of the Weatherlight Saga.

#729: Michael Ryan, Part 1

I've started recording "Drive to Work" from home due to the pandemic, so I decided to use the opportunity to do something that's hard to do in the car, interview peopl...

#728: Theros Beyond Death Cards, Part 5

This is the fifth part of a series (of five) of card-by-card design stories from Theros Beyond Death.

#727: Theros Beyond Death Cards, Part 4

This is the fourth part of a series (of five) of card-by-card design stories from Theros Beyond Death.

#726: Blue-Red

This is another podcast in my two-color philosophy series. This time, I talk blue-red.

#725: Theros Beyond Death Cards, Part 3

This is the third part of a series (of five) of card-by-card design stories from Theros Beyond Death.

#724: Theros Beyond Death Cards, Part 2

This is the second part of a series (of five) of card-by-card design stories from Theros Beyond Death.

#723: Theros Beyond Death Cards, Part 1

This is the first part of a series (of five) of card-by-card design stories from Theros Beyond Death.

#722: Top 10 Blocks

In this podcast, I talk about what I consider to be my top 10 Magic blocks.

#721: White-Black

This podcast is another in my two-color philosophy series. This time, I start talking about my first enemy color pair, white-black.

#720: What Was in Alpha

This is another trivia podcast. I ask about elements of Magic and see if you can identify whether it was part of Magic at the start of the game back in Alpha.

#719: Broadwaycon 2020

My eldest daughter and I traveled to New York City to attend Broadwaycon. This podcast talks all about it and how it made me rethink how I do Magic design.

#718: Green-White

This is part five in my ten-part series on two-color philosophies. In this podcast, I talk about green-white.

#717: Making Un- Cards

In this podcast, I talk about the challenges of making silver-bordered cards.

#716: Unsanctioned, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series on the design of Unsanctioned. In it, I walk through the designs of all sixteen of the new cards.

#715: Unsanctioned, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part series on the design of Unsanctioned. In it, I walk through the designs of all sixteen of the new cards.

#714: Red-Green

This podcast is another in my two-color philosophy series.

#713: Head-to-Head – Commander, Part 2

This podcast is part two of a two-part series on a Head-to-Head I did on Twitter about possible changes to the Commander format.

#712: Theros Beyond Death

In this podcast, I talk about the design of Theros Beyond Death.

#711: Head-to-Head – Commander, Part 1

This podcast is part one of a two-part series on a Head-to-Head I did on Twitter about possible changes to the Commander format.

#710: Success Paralysis

In this podcast, I talk about a phenomenon known as success paralysis where being successful can discourage you from embracing change.

#709: Black-Red

This is another in my two-color philosophy series. This time I talk black-red.