All Episodes

Displaying 331 - 360 of 1218 in total

#888: Crimson Vow Design

I walk through the larger design story of Innistrad: Crimson Vow.

#887: Crimson Vow with Chris Mooney

I sit down with Designer Chris Mooney, and we talk about the design of Innistrad: Crimson Vow, especially some of the top-down card designs for Vampires and weddings.

#886: Set Sizes

In this podcast, I go over all the set sizes of the main sets over the years, explaining why they were the size they were.

#885: Amonkhet with Ethan Fleischer

In this podcast, I sit down with R&D member Ethan Fleischer to talk about the design of Amonkhet.

#884: Color Pie Changes 2021, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series where I go over the various changes to the color pie as outlined in the 2021 Mechanical Color Pie article.

#883: Khans of Tarkir with Erik Lauer

I sit down with Designer Erik Lauer, and we talk about the design of Khans of Tarkir.

#882: Color Pie Changes 2021, Part 1

I recently posted an update to my Mechanical Color Pie article. This is part one of a two-part series where I talk about the changes.

#881: Strixhaven with Yoni Skolnik

I sit down with Designer Yoni Skolnik, and we talk about the design of Strixhaven: School of Mages.

#880: Card Starting with X

There are eighteen cards in Magic that start (in English) with the letter X. I talk about them all in this podcast.

#879: Magic 2010 with Aaron Forsythe

I sit down with Designer Aaron Forsythe, and we talk about the design of Magic 2010.

#878: Planar Chaos Color Pie

In this podcast, I explore the alternate-reality color pie of Planar Chaos.

#877: Most Influential Magic Sets with Matt Place

I sit down with Designer Matt Place, and we compare our Top 10 lists of the most influential Magic sets.

#876: World Enchantments

In this podcast, I talk all about World Enchantments (originally called "Enchant Worlds").

#875: Modern Horizons with Adam Prosak

I sit down with Designer Adam Prosak to talk about the design of Modern Horizons.

#874: Zombies, Part 2

This is another podcast in my Zombie series where I talk about the history of Zombie card design. It includes many card-by-card design stories of individual Zombie cards.

#873: Portal Three Kingdoms with Henry Stern

I sit down with Designer Henry Stern to talk about the design of Portal Three Kingdoms.

#872: Zombies, Part 1

In this podcast, I look back at the history of Zombies and share some card-by-card design stories of some of the earliest Zombies.

#871: Midnight Hunt with Ian Duke

I sit down with Designer Ian Duke to talk about the design of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.

#870: Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Design

I talk about the design of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.

#869: Midnight Hunt Commander with Corey Bowen

I sit down with Designer Corey Bowen to talk about how the Commander decks for Innistrad: Midnight Hunt were created.

#868: Magic Showcase 2021 Video

I went to Los Angeles to shoot the video announcing the products of 2022. This podcast tells the story of my trip.

#867: Unstable with Glenn Jones

I sit down with former Editor (and now Game Designer) Glenn Jones to talk about the editing of Unstable.

#866: Equipment, Part 2

In this podcast, I continue talking about the history of the Equipment subtype and share some card-by-card design stories.

#865: Strixhaven with Taylor Ingvarsson

I sit down with Art Director Taylor Ingvarsson to talk about the art design of Strixhaven.

#864: Equipment, Part 1

In this podcast, I start talking about the history of the Equipment subtype and share some card-by-card design stories.

#863: Shards of Alara with Devin Low

I sit down with former R&D member Devin Low to talk about the design of Shards of Alara.

#862: Obsoleted Things

In this podcast, I explore the history of the many things Magic has stopped using.

#861: Antiquities with Skaff Elias

I sit down with former R&D member Skaff Elias to talk about the design of Antiquities.

#860: Sagas

In this podcast, I explore the history of the popular enchantment subtype Sagas.

#859: Replies with Rachel #6

From time to time, I sit down and answer reader questions with my eldest daughter Rachel.