All Episodes

Displaying 301 - 330 of 1218 in total

#918: Stories from Japan

One of the cool perks of my job is that I've had a lot of opportunity to travel to other countries. The country I've visited the most is Japan. In this podcast, I shar...

#917: Lorwyn with Aaron Forsythe

I sit down with Designer Aaron Forsythe to talk about the design of Lorwyn.

#916: Card Frames

In this podcast, I talk about using different card frames as a design tool and get into the history of card frames that changed for mechanical reasons.

#915: New World Order with Matt Place

I sit down with Designer Matt Place to talk about the creation of New World Order, something he and I created many years ago to tackle a big problem the game was having.

#914: Initial Ideation

This podcast is about my latest Nuts & Bolts article on initial ideation. In it, I explain how one starts designing a Magic set around an idea.

#913: Copywriting with Ari Zirulnik

I sit down with Senior Copywriter Ari Zirulnik to talk about what exactly Magic copywriting is. He and I also lightly touch on writing the names and flavor text for Un...

#912: Watermarks

In this podcast, I explain the history of watermarks, talk about the various ways we use them, and explain why we can't mechanically care about them outside of Un- sets.

#911: Good Morning Magic with Gavin

I sit down with Designer Gavin Verhey to discuss the making of his Good Morning Magic videos.

#910: The Big Picture

This is a podcast version of my article where I talk about the challenges of designing Magic when it's a different game to different players.

#909: Council of Colors with Chris Mooney

I sit down with designer Chris Mooney to talk about how the Council of Colors works, and he and I talk a bit about white, as he's the white representative on the council.

#908: Gods

I walk through the history of the God creature type and share stories about how we designed the different incarnations of them.

#907: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty with Daniel Holt

There's no one in R&D that's a bigger fan of Kamigawa than Daniel Holt. He worked on more Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty teams than any other person at Wizards, so I sat down ...

#906: R&D Vocabulary, Part 5

This is another in my "R&D Vocabulary" series where I explain various lingo R&D uses.

#905: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander

I sit down with Designer Corey Bowen to talk about the design of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander decks and Set Booster cards.

#904: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty with Dave Humpherys

I sit down with Designer Dave Humpherys to discuss the set design of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty.

#903: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Early Design

I tell the story of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty's exploratory design and vision design.

#902: Champions of Kamigawa Block Mechanics

In this podcast, I take a look at all the named mechanics from the Champions of Kamigawa block.

#901: Casual Play with Melissa DeTora

I sit down with Designer Melissa DeTora to talk about the new casual play design group she's leading.

#900: R&D Vocabulary, Part 4

This podcast is another in my series on R&D lingo.

#899: Templating with Matt Tabak

I sit down with Editor Matt Tabak to talk about the importance of templating.

#898: 2017

In this podcast, I talk about the year of Magic in 2017.

#897: Rise of Eldrazi with Brian Tinsman

In this podcast, I sit down with Designer Brian Tinsman to talk about the design of Rise of the Eldrazi.

#896: Urza's Cards

In this podcast, I talk about the design of every card with "Urza" in its name.

#895: Mirage with Bill Rose

I sit down with Vice President Bill Rose to talk about the design of Mirage.

#894: Maro Teasers

I talk about the history of my set teasers and talk about how I make them.

#893: Shadowmoor with Devin Low

I sit down with Designer Devin Low to talk about the design of Shadowmoor.

#892: Lessons Learned – Throne of Eldraine

I had an in-person playtest at Wizards to attend, so I'm actually driving to work after twenty-plus months (I'm not in the office full time yet, so there'll be a bunch...

#891: Tempest with Richard Garfield

I sit down with Richard Garfield to talk about the design of Tempest.

#890: Ravnica & RTR Storm Scale

I go through all the guild mechanics from original Ravnica block and Return to Ravnica block to discuss what chance each has in returning to a premier set.

#889: Secret Lair with Mark Heggen

I sit down with Producer Mark Heggen to talk about the creation of the Secret Lair product line.