All Episodes

Displaying 391 - 420 of 1218 in total

#828: What's More Likely

I asked my Twitter followers to ask me questions about which of two things were more likely in Magic's future. In this podcast, I answer a whole bunch of these questions.

#827: Zendikar with Matt Place

I sit down with former Magic designer Matt Place to talk about the design of original Zendikar.

#826: Legendary Artifacts, Part 2

In this podcast, I share some more card-by-card design stories about legendary artifacts.

#825: Strixhaven with Ari Nieh

I sit down with Magic designer Ari Nieh to talk about the design of Strixhaven.

#824: Kaldheim with Ethan Fleischer

I sit down with Magic designer Ethan Fleischer to talk about the design of Kaldheim.

#823: Strixhaven Design, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series on the design of Strixhaven.

#822: Strixhaven Design, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part series on the design of Strixhaven.

#821: Kaladesh with Shawn Main

I sit down with former Magic designer Shawn Main to talk about the design of Kaladesh.

#820: Legendary Artifacts, Part 1

In this podcast, I share card-by-card stories about various legendary artifacts.

#819: Champions of Kamigawa with Brian Tinsman

I sit down with former Magic designer Brian Tinsman to talk about the design of Champions of Kamigawa.

#818: From the Vault

In this podcast, I talk about the From the Vault product line.

#817: Invasion with Bill Rose

I sit down with the senior vice president of tabletop Magic, Bill Rose, to talk about the design of Invasion.

#816: Innistrad with Erik Lauer

I was the lead designer for original Innistrad, and Erik was the lead developer. I have Erik on my podcast to talk about the making of the set.

#815: Trivia – Longest Names

This is another of my trivia podcasts where you try to guess the card I'm talking about before I reveal it. The topic? The longest names in Magic. (This is a companion...

#814: Trivia – Shortest Names

This is another of my trivia podcasts where I give clues and you try to guess the card before I reveal it. This podcast's topic—the shortest names in Magic.

#813: TSP with Aaron Forsythe

Aaron Forsythe and I share memories about working on the design of Time Spiral.

#812: Timeshifted Sheets

I talk about the creation and design of the timeshifted sheets from Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, and Future Sight.

#811: Mark Tedin

In this podcast, I interview longtime Magic artist Mark Tedin.

#810: Arabian Nights with Richard Garfield, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part podcast where I interview Richard Garfield about the design of Arabian Nights, Magic's very first expansion.

#809: Arabian Nights with Richard Garfield, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part podcast where I interview Richard Garfield about the design of Arabian Nights, Magic's very first expansion.

#808: Evan Erwin

I interview Evan Erwin, a longtime creator of Magic content.

#807: Angels, Part 2

In this podcast, I continue to share design stories about various Angel cards.

#806: Angels, Part 1

In this podcast, I begin from Alpha and start talking about Angel cards and their design.

#805: Olivia Gobert-Hicks

In this podcast, I interview Olivia Gobert-Hicks to talk about Commander, cosplaying, and the Magic community.

#804: Luis Scott-Vargas

In this podcast, I interview Pro Tour Hall of Famer Luis Scott-Vargas who has worn many hats over the years.

#803: Kaldheim, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series on the design of Kaldheim.

#802: Kaldheim, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part series on the design of Kaldheim.

#801: Graham Stark

In this podcast, I interview Graham Stark of Loading Ready Run. We talk about his and LRR's interactions with Magic.

#800: Charlie Catino

In this podcast, I interview Charlie Catino, one of the original Alpha playtesters and longtime Wizards of the Coast employee.

#799: Planar Chaos Colorshifted Cards, Part 2

This is the second of a two-part series talking about the 45 colorshifted cards in Planar Chaos. I talk about which cards they were colorshifted from and why they were...