All Episodes

Displaying 421 - 450 of 1218 in total

#798: Planar Chaos Colorshifted Cards, Part 1

This is the first of a two-part series talking about the 45 colorshifted cards in Planar Chaos. I talk about which cards they were colorshifted from and why they were ...

#797: Randy Buehler

In this podcast, I interview Randy Buehler, member of the Pro Tur Hall of Fame and former R&D member.

#796: Green-Blue Philosophy

This is number ten in my ten-part series on the philosophies of two-color pairs. In this podcast, I talk green-blue.

#795: Matt Cavotta

In this podcast, I interview Matt Cavotta, a man who has worn many Magic hats over the years.

#794: Trivia – Big Creatures

This is a trivia column where I give clues about the biggest creatures in the game's history and you guess who they are.

#793: Mike Elliott

In this podcast, I interview Mike Elliott, a prolific Magic designer from back in the day.

#792: George Fan

In this podcast, I interview George Fan, creator of Plants vs. Zombies. I talk with him about his love of Magic and his year spent on the Magic design team.

#791: Antiquities, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series on the design of Antiquities, Magic's second-ever expansion, where I talk about how the set got made and then go through the desi...

#790: Antiquities, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part series on the design of Antiquities, Magic's second-ever expansion, where I talk about how the set got made and then go through the desi...

#789: Brian David-Marshall

In this podcast, I interview Brian David-Marshall on the many roles he's played in Magic, from tournament organizer and store owner to commentator and Magic historian.

#788: 25 Years

October 30, 2020 was my 25th anniversary of working at Wizards. In this podcast, I talk about the many things I've done in those 25 years.

#787: Henry Stern

In this podcast, I interview Henry Stern, a longtime member of R&D and former pro player.

#786: Oozes

Magic has 32 Oozes. (I'm not talking about you, Changelings.) I talk about all of them.

#785: Scott Larabee

In this podcast, I interview Scott Larabee, the esports senior league operations manager. We talk about his many years of running tournaments.

#784: It's All Magic

I talk about an issue that's near and dear to my heart: how to make the Magic community even better.

#783: Jules Robins

In this podcast, I interview Jules Robins, an R&D designer who's worked on numerous products and is the lead set designer of both Commander Legends and Dungeons & Drag...

#782: Red-White

This is the ninth podcast in my two-color philosophy series. I talk all about red and white.

#781: Ken Nagle

In this podcast, I interview Ken Nagle, runner-up of the first Great Designer Search and longtime R&D member.

#780: Four-Color Factions

This topic started from a question on my blog talking about the difficulty in designing four-color faction worlds and sets.

#779: Worth Wollpert

In this podcast, I interview Worth Wollpert and talk about his time in Magic R&D and running Magic Online.

#778: Evergreen Origins

This is another of my trivia podcasts. This time I look at all the current evergreen keywords (all 35 of them) and have you guess whether they were used and named in A...

#777: Elaine Chase

In this podcast, I interview Elaine Chase who has held many jobs with Magic over the years, including working in R&D, brand, and esports.

#776: Zendikar Rising

I tell the story of Zendikar Rising's design.

#775: Rachel Agnes

In this podcast, I interview Rachel Agnes, Magic brand manager. What does she do and how did she come to do it? Listen in and find out.

#774: Replies with Rachel #5

Before Rachel heads back to college, I thought it would be fun to do another mailbag podcast with her.

#773: Adam Prosak

In this podcast, I interview Adam Prosak, a Magic designer who most recently led the set design for Core Set 2021.

#772: Making Magic in the Pandemic

Curious how COVID has affected the making of Magic? That's my topic for this podcast.

#771: Corey Bowen

In this podcast, I interview Corey Bowen, a current member of R&D, one who focuses on Commander design.

#770: Ikoria, Part 2

In this podcast, I finish telling the in-depth story of Ikoria's design.

#769: Jim Lin

In this podcast, I talk with designer Jim Lin, one of the original Alpha playtesters and longtime R&D member.