All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 1218 in total

#1128: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Play Design with Jadine Klomparens

In this podcast, I sit down with Outlaws of Thunder Junction Lead Play Designer Jadine Klomparens to talk about the play design of the set.

#1127: Same But Different

In this podcast, I talk about a concept I learned from my days in Hollywood and how I apply it to Magic design.

#1126: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Set Design with Dave Humpherys

In this podcast, I sit down with Dave Humpherys, set design lead for Outlaws of Thunder Junction, to talk about the set design of the latest expansion.

#1125: Mercenaries

In honor of Outlaws of Thunder Junction, I did a card-by-card design podcast on cards with creature type Mercenary.

#1124: Outlaws of Thunder Junction Vision Design

In this podcast, I talk about the early design of Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

#1123: Every Set

Before I get into Outlaws of Thunder Junction, I see if I can name every non-core expansion set in order with a bit of trivia about each one.

#1122: Top 20 Evergreen Mechanics, Part 2

During my MagicCon: Chicago talk where I listed my top 20 mechanics of all time, I also showed a slide for my top 20 evergreen mechanics and said that one day, I'd do ...

#1121: Top 20 Evergreen Mechanics, Part 1

During my MagicCon: Chicago talk where I listed my top 20 mechanics of all time, I also showed a slide for my top 20 evergreen mechanics and said that one day, I'd do ...

#1120: The Early Days of Magic

In this podcast, I explain what it was like to play Magic in 1993.

#1119: The Elephant in Boots Problem

In this podcast, I share what Magic R&D refers to as the "elephant in boots" problems and how we work to solve it.

#1118: Top 20 Mechanics, Part 3

This is my third podcast in a three-part series talking about the 20 best non-evergreen mechanics of all time. It's based on a talk I gave at MagicCon: Chicago.

#1117: Top 20 Mechanics, Part 2

This is the second of a three-part series talking about the 20 best non-evergreen mechanics of all time. It's based on a talk I gave at MagicCon: Chicago.

#1116: Top 20 Mechanics, Part 1

Recently at MagicCon: Chicago, I did a talk called "The 20 Best Mechanics of All Time," which you can watch here. This podcast covers part one of that talk.

#1115: MagicCon: Chicago

In this podcast, I talk about my time at last weekend's MagicCon: Chicago.

#1114: Playtesting in 2024

Ten years ago, I released a podcast on playtesting, but a lot has changed. In this podcast, I look at how we playtest today.

#1113: Synergy

In this podcast, I talk about the importance of synergy in Magic design.

#1112: Perfectionism

We spend a long time designing sets, constantly improving on every aspect possible. But how and when do we decide to step away? In this podcast, I explore the subject ...

#1111: Puzzle Design

In this podcast, I talk about the basics of designing puzzles.

#1110: Early Advertising

In this podcast, I look back at the advertising of the first ten years of Magic.

#1109: Murders at Karlov Manor Set Design with Andrew Brown

In this podcast, I sit down with Andrew Brown, co-lead set designer on Murders at Karlov Manor, to talk about the making of the set.

#1108: Erik Lauer

In this podcast, I pay tribute to longtime Magic designer Erik Lauer who recently retired.

#1107: Murders at Karlov Manor Puzzles with Mark Gottlieb

In this podcast, I sit down with designer and puzzle-builder extraordinaire Mark Gottlieb to talk about the making of the puzzles for Murders at Karlov Manor.

#1106: Murders at Karlov Manor Design

In this podcast, I tell the design story of Murders at Karlov Manor.

#1105: History of Learn to Play

In this podcast, I talk about many of the products we've introduced to help teach people how to play and walk through how our philosophy about it has changed over time.

#1104: Strictly Better

In this podcast, I define the R&D expression "strictly better," discuss its history, and talk about why it's a thing we have to care about.

#1103: Making Things with Jess Dunks

In this podcasts, I talk with Rules Manager Jess Dunks about how we go about making mechanics work that do things we've never done before.

#1102: Play Design Changes with Ben Weitz

I talk a lot about all the changes cards go through early in design. In this podcast, I interview Play Designer Ben Weitz to talk about the types of changes the Play D...

#1101: Designing Universes Beyond

In this podcast, I go through the process from start to finish of designing a Universes Beyond set.

#1100: Designing to Art

Most of the time, we create the card design before we commission the art, but not always. In this podcast, I walk through when art comes before design and when we have...

#1099: The Dark

In this podcast, I talk all about Magic's fourth expansion.