All Episodes

Displaying 181 - 210 of 1218 in total

#1038: Eldritch Moon

In this podcast, I walk through the making of Eldritch Moon and designing the set's mechanics.

#1037: Shadows over Innistrad

In this podcast, I walk through the making of Shadows over Innistrad and designing the set's mechanics.

#1036: Mana Symbols

In this podcast, I talk all about the history of mana symbols, how we use them, how they were created, and more.

#1035: Card Advantage with Brian Weissman

In this podcast, I sit down with the Brian Weissman, long-time Magic pro and expert in card advantage, to talk about the concept of card advantage.

#1034: Why Not?

You can't say "yes" to every idea when designing for Magic. In this podcast, I explore reasons why we might not move forward with an idea.

#1033: March of the Machine Play Design with Jadine Klomparens

In this podcast, I sit down with the Jadine Klomparens, lead play designer of March of the Machine, to talk about the play design process for the set.

#1032: Turn Structure

In this podcast, I walk through all the phases and steps of a turn to talk about how design creates cards for each part of the turn.

#1031: March of the Machine Casual Play Design with Ellie Rice

In today's podcast, I sit down with Ellie Rice from the Casual Play Design team to talk about their process for March of the Machine.

#1030: F.I.R.E. Design

R&D uses a philosophy in design known as F.I.R.E. design. There are a lot of misconceptions as to what it means, so I walk through its philosophy in this podcast.

#1029: March of the Machine Commander Decks with Ethan Fleischer

I sit down with the lead designer of the March of the Machine Commander decks to talk about their design.

#1028: Databases

In this podcast, I talk about one of the most important tools we use for Magic design—databases. I walk through the history of our databases and explain how we use them.

#1027: March of the Machine with Taylor Ingvarsson

I sit down with March of the Machine's Lead Art Director Taylor Ingvarsson to talk about the visual identity of the set.

#1026: Lessons Learned – Innistrad: Crimson Vow

This podcast is another in my "Lessons Learned" series where I talk about sets I led or co-led and all the lessons I learned from designing them. In this episode, I ta...

#1025: March of the Machine Set Design with Dave Humpherys

In this podcast, I sit down with Dave Humpherys, the lead set designer of March of the Machine, to talk about the making of the set.

#1024: March of the Machine Design

In this podcast, I tell the design story of March of the Machine.

#1023: Frames & Icons with Daniel Holt

In this podcast, I sit down with Senior Game Designer and Graphic Designer Daniel Holt to talk about how the frames and icons for March of the Machine were designed.

#1022: Invitational Cards

Gavin Verhey recently did a video about the Invitational cards on his YouTube channel Good Morning Magic, inspiring me to do a podcast telling the behind-the-scenes st...

#1021: Legends

In this podcast, I talk all about the making of Magic's third expansion, Legends, which, among other things, introduced multicolor and legendary permanents.

#1020: Structural Support

I recently wrote a new "Nuts & Bolts" column where I talked about the elements a set needs to work well in Limited play. This podcast goes over all the details from th...

#1019: Magic Story with Harless and Natalie

In this podcast, I sit down with Harless Snyder and Natalie Kreider to talk about the role of Magic story in the game and the revival of The Magic Story Podcast.

#1018: Unreleased Mechanics

In this podcast, I talk through numerous mechanics that we've designed but never published.

#1017: Art of Phyrexia with Ovidio Cartagena

In this podcast, I sit down with Art Director Ovidio Cartagena to talk about the art direction of Phyrexia: All Will Be One.

#1016: Product Architect

Today, I talk about the role of the product architect and the importance of the position.

#1015: Artifacts and Enchantments

In this podcast, I talk about the history of artifacts and enchantments and how they evolved to become closer mechanically.

#1014: MagicCon Philadelphia

I went to Philly to attend MagicCon. This podcast tells of my journey.

#1013: Colorless with Ben Weitz

So far, I've talked with all five color representatives. That means it's time to talk with a sixth, the colorless representative Ben Weitz.

#1012: Working with Worldbuilding

One of the teams I work closest with is the Creative team. In this podcast, I talk about how the Vision Design and Worldbuilding teams work hand in hand.

#1011: Mental Processing

In this podcast, I talk about all the different ways cards can impact the players mentally and how we have to account for it in design.

#1010: Mana Value

In this podcast, I talk about how this concept came about and how we design for it.

#1009: White with Chris Mooney

This is another in my series where I sit down with color representatives from the Council of Colors. In this podcast, I talk with Chris Mooney about white.